
Do you have vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free food options?

Yes, we do. If you have any other food requirements, please let us know at paul@wawelhill.com

Where is the after party with free beer!

Who doesn’t like free beer? But it’s so hard to meet people and talk in noisy bars. So we’ve added dinner with a stranger. After a great day of conferencing, we’ll help you meet up with a group of strangers from the conference at a local restaurant for dinner. It’s a much better way to meet people, exchange ideas, and form relationships than clubbing. Beer is optional.

How do I get to the conference venue?

Grab some tips here: Discover Kraków and let us know if we are still missing something.

Where can I get a COVID-19 test in Krakow?

There are iMed24 (www.imed24.pl/dla-pacjenta/przesiewowe-antygenowe-testy-na-covid-19/) and Medicover (www.medicover.pl/koronawirus/krakow/) locations within a walking distance of the conference venue. You'll need to make an appointment for your test ahead of time.

What will the in-person format be?

This year we’ve put together a mix of traditional formats, including two conference tracks: Process Track & Product Track, networking sessions, coaching corners, discussion panels and open spaces. But there’s more to come - we’ll keep you updated!

How many people will be at the in-person conference?

That’s a great question! Given all the changes with the pandemic, we're a little unsure how many people will join us in Krakow. We anticipate a maximum of 500 people.

Will everything take place in Krakow or will you have a virtual event too?

ACE is a community and we like to meet in person. There is no virtual event, but recordings of the talks will be shared after the conference.